Lisans Program Kısaltmalarının Açılımı?
İngiltere Üniversiteleri için kullanılan program kısaltmalarının anlamı ve açılımını aşağıdaki listede inceleyebilirsiniz.
►Online IELTS Kursu : Native eğitmenler eşliğinde istediğiniz skora en hızlı şekilde ulaşın!
İngiltere Lisans Programlarının Kısaltmaları:
BA - Bachelor of Arts
BAcc - Bachelor of Accounting
BAE - Bachelor of Arts and Economics
BArch - Bachelor of Architecture
BASc or BAS or BAppSc - Bachelor of Applied Science
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BCJ - Bachelor of Criminal Justice
BCL - Bachelor of Civil Law
BCoun - Bachelor of Counseling
BD - Bachelor of Divinit
BDes - Bachelor of Design
BDS or BChD - Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BEcon - Bachelor of Economics
BEcon&Fin - Bachelor of Economics and Finance
BEd or EdB - Bachelor of Education
BEng or BE - Bachelor of Engineering
BFA - Bachelor of Fine Art
BFin - Bachelor of Finance
BHSc - Bachelor of Health Science
BLitt or LittB - Bachelor of Literature or Bachelor of Letters
BMedSc or BMSc - Bachelor of Biomedical science
BMid - Bachelor of Midwifery
BMin - Bachelor of Ministry
BMSc - Bachelor of Medical Science
BMus or MusB - Bachelor of Music
BNurs or BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BPharm - Bachelor of Pharmacy
BPhil - Bachelor of Philosophy
BSc(Psych) - Bachelor of Science in Psychology
BSc - Bachelor of Science
BSc(Econ) - Bachelor of Science in Economics
BSc(Eng) - Bachelor of Science in Engineering
BSocSc - Bachelor of Social Science
ve diğerleri...
BTchg- Bachelor of Teaching
BTech - Bachelor of Technology (not to be confused with BTEC)
BTh, ThB or BTheol - Bachelor of Theology
LLB - Bachelor of Laws
MB or BM - Bachelor of Medicine
BS, ChB, BChir or BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BVetMed, VetMB, BVMS or BVM BVS - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (& Surgery)
BVMedSci - Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Science
BTech - Bachelor of Technology (not to be confused with BTEC)
BTh, ThB or BTheol - Bachelor of Theology
LLB - Bachelor of Laws
MB or BM - Bachelor of Medicine
BS, ChB, BChir or BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BVetMed, VetMB, BVMS or BVM BVS - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (& Surgery)
BVMedSci - Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Science
İngiltere Üniversite eğitimi başvuruları için bu sayfayı ziyaret ediniz.
İngiltere Yüksek Lisans başvuruları için bu sayfayı ziyaret ediniz.
►Online IELTS Kursu : Native eğitmenler eşliğinde istediğiniz skora en hızlı şekilde ulaşın!